Break the Chain
of Infection

Battery Powered Doodle Mop EBG-16-BAT

by Square Scrub

Every official document requirement pertaining to COVID-19 specifies disinfecting a clean surface. The BattMop will effectively clean floors while allowing the needed dwell time for the disinfectant to do its job! 

•  Helps reduce the chance of cross-contamination.

•  Allows the needed dwell time for the disinfectant to do its job.

•  Helps Healthcare clients increase their HCAHP scores.

•  Cleans under hospital beds, under desks, kitchen appliances and

    work stations, in restrooms around urinals and toilets.

The Doodle Mop in Action

The all new Square Scrub PIVOT & SQP Pad effortlessly cuts through a layer of floor finish per pass.

Battery Powered Doodle Mop delivers:

•  Modern, progressive cleaning tool with state of the art orbital cleaning ability.

•  NO change in protocol or cleaning methods.

•  Battery operated, no cords to trip on.  Safer and easier.

•  Simple & effective, easy to operate.

•  Use current processes, no reason to change training.

•  The power of an autoscrubber that can be carried on a janitor’s cart.

•  Safer & more ergonomic experience for the operator.

•  Doodle Mop is super quiet at only 50 dBA.



Contec Premira Advanced Microfiber

The one time use (disposable) microfiber removes soil, biofilm, and other contaminants and is disposed of.  A mop head is continuously used room to room.